Monday, February 10, 2014

Beer Sheva River Park

Today was the day to determine how to get to River Park, which is on the south side of Beer Sheva.  I took bus #17, which only runs twice an hour, and had a plan to get off closest to the park.  But the stops didn't make enough sense, and when the bus turned the corner to go from east to south, I took the next stop, which was pretty far from the stop I should have taken.  I don't know if people live in south Beer Sheva - it is very industrial.  I walked back the way the bus went, until I got to a desired cross street.  The 60 degree mast in the park is easy to see, so I was able to find the park.  It is a very linear park, and there's a nice sidewalk along the entry road, so I have plenty of kms to run on there, and it's pretty flat.  And one of the good things about running in a park, is that there are water fountains.  So I walked along part of the promenade, and then needed to figure out how to get back to the bus stop.  Actually did that pretty elegantly, and found the bus stop I should taken (ironically, it was the one before the stop around the corner, so I was close).  At the very least it was a good walk and vitamin D day.  I'm glad I did a dry run with a map and everything.  Now I'm confident that I can get there easily.  Here's a bunch of photos (I took the good camera):
You can see the dark seats of the amphitheatre in the background.
The promenade.
The Turkish Bridge (all I know is it's an icon of the city).

This is the reverse of the photo I took from the BIG shopping center (you can see "BIG" over on the right) - I took the photo last week near the brick-colored building in the center-left.

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