The acquisition of my id card yesterday greatly facilitates my entry through the university security gates. It's just simple now.
And last evening, my landlord put a new washer on the inlet to the washing machine, so that I can use it. Washing things out in the little bathroom sink was getting old. And just how long would my Woolite have lasted? Hmm. And he said that I can set things to dry in the atrium, as long as they're not too obvious. That's good, because, while the bathroom is good-sized, it gets really small with the drying rack set up. So today I made a special trip to the store to buy laundry detergent, but I didn't write it down in Hebrew (lesson to be learned here). So, I'm looking at these bottles, looking, looking. And then I see on one of them "fabric softener." Maybe I need fabric softener, but all I want today is detergent. You can't wash clothes with softener. So, where is the detergent? Aha, I spy a bottle of Tide. I know what that is. So the selection of detergent was about 1/3 the portion of the shelf, compared to the softeners. Too many choices. So I picked one, and hoped for the best. Lucked out,'s detergent. It's a little washer, but it's way bigger than my sink. And it should spin out a lot of the moisture.
I met with my colleague again, and he gave me homework - some documents in Hebrew that I need to read. So that will be some of my plan tonight. And tomorrow. And tomorrow. Creeps on this petty pace... Wait. It's not that bad.
And I met Dean Kost. Briefly. And gave him a statuette of the Tin Man. He gave me someone else with whom I should meet, so I've emailed her (from my BGU email account, thank you very much).
I'm really glad that I found that chair cushion. Last night's four-hour web conference would have been miserable. It's a draining activity under any circumstances, but I will be paid for it.
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