Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tour of Gaza Envelope

For someone who said, "I've never been to Gaza, I've never been near Gaza," I got pretty close today.  Efi took us on a tour of the communities devastated on 10/7/23.

We went to the car memorial. Many of the cars had been hit by RPGs.

We then went to the gate of the deserted Kibbutz Be'eri.

Then onto the Nova music festival site.  We met the mother of one of the hostages who had been working security that night. She and her sister (?) were very kind and told us about her son. They had women's siddurim that are dedicated to some of the hostages that they gave us and we promised to pray for their safe return. My person's name is Arbel Yehud.

L>R: sister, Rome, mother, NYC, me. Photo of son on the van.


Then we went to a couple of bomb shelters that don't have doors, but people from the festival tried to hide in them. We met two survivors of that night and heard their stories.

L>R:Efi, NYC,  survivor, survivor,  Rome, me.

On the way home, Efi took a turn that is usually closed to public traffic because it leads to an IDF base. We saw eighteen-wheelers unloading tanks, and then saw a staging area with tanks and military bulldozers. We weren't hustled out of there but we left fairly quickly. We were near Re'im. Interesting night.

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