Thursday, March 20, 2014

Books have arrived

The last package that I sent 12/31/13 is safely in my apartment.  I had sent a bunch of printed materials as book/media rate in an M-bag (see blog of 12/31/13), and we figured that it probably should be here by now.  A young woman, Tal, offered to go to the post office with me to check on it.  I forgot to bring my original shipping paperwork and the trip to the post office was going south.  Then I asked her to ask the clerk about a "mail bag" and pointed to some in use near the clerk.  The clerk, who was in a surprising good mood, had a look of "that makes sense..." and went into the room where packages are stored until they're called for.  She dragged out a mail bag!  And it was my mail bag.  Now, right now, I don't have my passport because the visa is being renewed, and my ID situation today is iffy, so, would she let me take it?  At least, I knew it was in Beer Sheva.  Well, she was so glad to get it out from underfoot, that she didn't card me, and thanked us for coming.  Why was she so happy?  It had arrived on 6 January 2014.  She's been working around it for two months.  The address on the package wasn't perfect, so it just sat there.  Safe and dry.  It actually arrived before my other packages that I paid a lot more per pound to ship.  Whatever.  And Tal had driven to the post office, so she gave me a lift to my apartment with the heavy books.

And now that we're on the other side of Purim, I knew that the grocery store would start changing over for Passover.  It's a kosher grocery store, so I'm interested to see the impact and transformation.  It has started, in one aisle. I'll keep you updated.  I know how the Hen House does it on Roe, but that's just a little corner of the store.  My store will be the whole store.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy being able to shop in one store for everything. I used up the last of my flour this week had just enough to make 1 loaf of challah, think I finally have all the items out of pantry that needed to be used before Passover. Now the cleaning needs to begin. Leah
