Wednesday, May 27, 2015

It's hot in Israel

Temperatures on 5/27/2015 in Fahrenheit
I didn't expect to be blogging about the weather, but when the American Consulate sends out an alert because it's so hot, I guess I can comment, too.  They forecast a high of 113F in Tel Aviv, but it only got up to a humid 102.  I planned my day accordingly.

I reluctantly made a trip to the infamous Supersal grocery store to buy a few things I couldn't find at the shuk.  Walked all the way up there because it was still temperate at 0800.  Much to my surprise, the store wasn't crowded and was very calm.  They didn't even have a security guard at the door.  It was like going to HyVee.  I worked my list, heard no yelling, saw no line-cutting, paid for my bag of goods, and walked back.  Why was each trip to the store in Beer Sheva a candidate for counseling?  I sure don't know.

I met my Hebrew teacher's sister, Gal, by the shuk to give her something.  We picked up her daughter from preschool, and walked around a little.  I bought some sunscreen, pulled my big drapes on the west window, stayed in for the hot afternoon.  I didn't want to get dehydrated or sick from the heat.  Today was the bad day, it is forecast to be back to normal by Friday.  And there's a chance of showers:

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