Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This year in Jerusalem (השנה הזה בירושלים)

Here's the report from Passover almost in Jerusalem: Givat Ze'ev is technically in the West Bank, but is a Jewish bedroom commuter community for Jerusalem.  Rabbi David Friedman hosted a seder which I attended, along with a number of people from Bridges for Peace, where Margalit works.   There were also four Polish women, one of whom was my roommate at the Friedmans' apartment.

Rabbi David prepared a number of short midrashic remarks which were inserted occasionally in the seder.  Those of us who read and speak English helped with the seder readings.  Margalit led the songs (I was surprised at how many I knew, but I really got tongue-tied at the end of "Echad Ani Yodeah"!).  So what was different (about the seder, not the classic question about the night :)
  1. We had a fifth cup, that symbolizes the return of Jews to the land of Israel.  Rabbi had some comments along these lines.
  2. We sang "HaTikvah" at the close of the seder.
  3. We chanted "השנה העוד בירושלים (another year in Jerusalem)"
I heard a compelling explanation for dipping twice in the seder, although it is a Sephardic understanding, not accepted by Ashkenazi:  they symbolize the dipping of Joseph's coat in blood (when he was sold to the caravan) to trick Jacob, and the dipping of the hyssop in blood to mark the doorways.
P.S. I brought purchased macaroons, a glass bottle of grape juice, a walnut-honey-soaked flourless cake, and matzah-vegetable patties up to Givat Ze'ev.  Understand that this involved an inter-city bus, an intra-city bus, a backpack, a paper shopping bag and my overnight case.  I'm amazed the bottle of grape juice made it.  All arrived safe and unspilled.  I think that was a Passover miracle.

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