Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Jerusalem City Center

I took a day off from academic duties today and went to Jerusalem to do some shopping.  I noticed on Saturday when I was walking around, that several landmarks are between the bus station and Ben Yehuda Street, so I took the camera to shoot some photos.
Sundial Building on Jaffa Street (Zoharei Chama Synagogue)
No one told the sundial that it was in Daylight Savings Time.
Facade from the 1853 girls' school on King George Street (name from Mark 5:41)
Anna F. found me on Ben Yehuda Street purely by accident, and we lunched together.  I then headed off for the israeltoday offices in the area.  Pat and I have been subscribers to their magazine and email alerts for years, and in the February 2012 issue, they invited any subscriber to drop by their office if they were in Jerusalem, so I did.
They buzzed me in and I proceeded to the fourth floor.  The secretary/receptionist was confused by my presence, and thought I had a problem with my subscription (really, I'd come to Israel for that??).  Eventually, her English and my Hebrew broke through the impasse.  But she didn't know what to do with me (understandable).  She gave me copies of the magazine that I've missed on sabbatical to read on the plane, and offered to take my photo in front of their door (so that you would believe that I went there).
BTW, my shopping was super-successful.  Just in case you wondered.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, maybe I need to develope a problem with my subscription and go over!
