The ball didn't roll continuously, but if you shoved it, it would roll for a couple minutes.
The interesting thing of the day was the bus ride from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv. When the bus left the bus station, one of the guards told him to turn right (that's all I got). Hmm. Well, we didn't take the usual highway. We were on highway 443 which was mostly flanked by the security walls. We went through two major checkpoints, and could see small, manned checkpoints along side roads. I don't know if it was a construction or accident issue that changed our route that day. There was nothing on the news. At any rate, we still arrived at Arzolov station in Tel Aviv, and I took the normal route to the apartment. Picked up the suitcase, dragged it down King George, got a #204 to the train station, and executed the bus trip with reasonable elegance. What with the grey hair, the long skirt and the heavy suitcase and carry-on.
Then it was easy. Elevator at the train station and airport. All things considered, the trip home was unremarkable. I did arrive to a monumental pile of laundry, which didn't seem to be vanquished, but we had lots of soap and hot water, so eventually, even the laundry was done.
Thanks for reading.