Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today was the day for me to go to our new embassy in Jerusalem.  I took the #78 bus from the Jerusalem bus station for 15 stops.  The embassy is in the East Talpiyot neighborhood.  The bus stop was perfect, but I zigged instead of zagged and walked the wrong way.  Mind you, this is close to the East Jerusalem demarcation, but everything was still in Hebrew, so I wasn't worried.  My GPS wasn't helping enough, but I asked a lady for directions, and she got me going in the right direction (which would be back up the hill/mountain).  Sure enough, just up the hill from the very bus stop at which I had arrived was the first sign.

So, now I'll walk you up there.  As I walked up the hill, I said the blessing for seeing something wonderful for the first time:  Blessed are you, Lord our G-d, King of the Universe, who granted us life, sustained us and enabled us to reach this time.  Yes, that's the blessing we say at each holiday, too.

It was Memorial Day and closed, but I had no business in there anyway.  I walked up around to the right (I don't think you want to see the parking area), and talked to a security guard.  I emoted a bunch about how proud I was to him.  I wasn't allowed to take more photos up there, but I was allowed to walk.  Of course, there was screened off construction (secret). There was a cool sign on a house across the street, but I asked before I took a photo.
Now here's the view leaving:
And some flowers

Here's the SE view from the approach ramp.

The embassy is on David Flusser St (if you know the name from 1st century studies).

Here's the view of the embassy from the bus stop:

It was a thrill.

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