Thursday, February 6, 2014

Laundry and id card

The acquisition of my id card yesterday greatly facilitates my entry through the university security gates.  It's just simple now.

And last evening, my landlord put a new washer on the inlet to the washing machine, so that I can use it.  Washing things out in the little bathroom sink was getting old.  And just how long would my Woolite have lasted?  Hmm.  And he said that I can set things to dry in the atrium, as long as they're not too obvious.  That's good, because, while the bathroom is good-sized, it gets really small with the drying rack set up.  So today I made a special trip to the store to buy laundry detergent, but I didn't write it down in Hebrew (lesson to be learned here).  So, I'm looking at these bottles, looking, looking.  And then I see on one of them "fabric softener."  Maybe I need fabric softener, but all I want today is detergent.  You can't wash clothes with softener.  So, where is the detergent?  Aha, I spy a bottle of Tide.  I know what that is.  So the selection of detergent was about 1/3 the portion of the shelf, compared to the softeners.  Too many choices.  So I picked one, and hoped for the best.  Lucked out,'s detergent.  It's a little washer, but it's way bigger than my sink.  And it should spin out a lot of the moisture.

I met with my colleague again, and he gave me homework - some documents in Hebrew that I need to read.  So that will be some of my plan tonight.  And tomorrow.  And tomorrow.  Creeps on this petty pace...  Wait. It's not that bad.

And I met Dean Kost.  Briefly.  And gave him a statuette of the Tin Man.  He gave me someone else with whom I should meet, so I've emailed her (from my BGU email account, thank you very much).

I'm really glad that I found that chair cushion.  Last night's four-hour web conference would have been miserable.  It's a draining activity under any circumstances, but I will be paid for it.

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